2022 Fall 2-Man Ryder Cup
Champions Preston Reynolds and Mike Weaver
The 2022 Two-Man Ryder Cup tourney was held September 18th at Cedars Edge Golf Course.
The 2022 Two-Man Ryder Cup tourney was held September 18th at Cedars Edge Golf Course.
Preston Reynolds and Mike Weaver lapped the field with an incredible 18 under par.
Preston Reynolds and Mike Weaver lapped the field with an incredible 18 under par.
The format included 9 holes of Best Ball, 9 holes of Shamble, and 9 holes of Alternate shot.
The format included 9 holes of Best Ball, 9 holes of Shamble, and 9 holes of Alternate shot.
Here is a link to the Cedars Edge website. It's a fun course. Go play there!
Enjoying the fun at Cedars Edge