Two-Man Ryder Cup 

May 20, 2023

Full Results here for the 2023 Spring Ryder Cup 

Championship Flight

1st(tie): Riggan/Barnes, Robertson/Leas - 103 ($100 each)

3rd(tie): Lehnertz/Lehnertz, Spence/Kirk, Boyle/Bernabe, Reynolds/Weaver - 106 ($15 each)

1st Flight

1st(tie): Huckfeldt/Kloess, Goodfellow/Goodfellow, Wilson/Whitmore - 110 ($80 each)

4th(tie): Smith/Feldick, Purkapile/Beemer, McLain/Arnold, Hargrave/Foster - 112 ($5 each)

2nd Flight

1st: Pelzer/Watkins - 114 ($120 each)

2nd: Noesen/Giles - 115 ($80 each)

3rd(tie): Foerstner/Frantz, Luedtke/Smejkal, Stout/Zupek - 116 ($20 each)

3rd Flight

1st: Ellefson/Corpstein - 119 ($120 each)

2nd(tie): Scott/Ferry, Cannon/Tompkins - 120 ($60 each)

4th: Machlab/Fackler - 121 ($20 each)

Round 1 (Better Ball) Skins

Huckfeldt/Kloess - 3 on 2 ($90)

Boyle/Bernabe - 2 on 9 ($90)

Round 2 (Alternate Shot) Skins

Spence/Kirk - 2 on 5 ($60)

Boyle/Bernabe - 3 on 6 ($60)

Cordle/Kouba - 2 on 9 ($60)

Round 3 (Best Shot) Skins

Spence/Kirk - 2 on 1 ($60)

Bowers/Bland - 2 on 7 ($60)

Pelzer/Watkins - 2 on 9 ($60)

Hole Prizes

Longest drive in fairway #2 - Jared Deines ($20)

Closest to pin #5 - Rod Lehnertz ($20)

Longest putt #7 - Steve Gordon ($20)

Closest to pin #9 - Adam Bernabe ($20)

The 2023 Spring Two-Man Ryder Cup tourney was held on May 20 at the Elks Club.

The format includes 9 holes of alternate shot, 9 holes of better ball, and 9 holes of better shot.